Legal Notice
Information about the service provider.
Jahngasse 17,
8200 Gleisdorf,
Phone number: +43 3112 / 368 41
Email: info@ana-u.com
Commercial register number: FN 356032 b
Commercial Register Court: Firmenbuch Graz
Registered office: 8200 Gleisdorf
Business purpose: Entwicklung und Produktion von elektronischen Geräten, sowie Ingenieurbüro, auf dem Gebiet der Elektrotechnik
VAT number: ATU66104547
Chief Executive Officer: Ing. Ulrich Ewald
Participation relationships: Ing. Ulrich Ewald
Anteil: 100,00%
Data Protection Responsible
Ing. Ulrich Ewald
Email: Ing. Ulrich Ewald
Phone number: +43 3112 / 368 41
Imprint: https://www.ana-u.com/impressum/
EU Dispute Resolution
We would like to inform you about the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR platform) in accordance with the regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in consumer matters (ODR Regulation).
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show. You will find the necessary contact details in our imprint above.
However, we would like to note, that we are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
Picture Credits
The pictures, images and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights belong to:
Contract Clauses and Place of Jurisdiction
Verträge mit uns unterliegen dem Recht der Republik Österreich unter Ausschluss des UN-Kaufrechts. Gerichtsstand für alle Streitigkeiten aus solchen Verträgen ist Graz.
All texts are copyrighted.